Home>>Solutions>>Full Auto Solar Panel Making Machines

Tabber and Stringer Machine - MBB Solar Cell Stringer
Profile: Tabber and stringer machine is to weld the solar cells one by one through copper ribbon, and the cells are connected in series to form a string, OCH-MS40K speed is 3600 PCS/Hour, OCH-MS100B speed is 7000 PCS/Hour.
High Speed Fiber Laser Cutting Machine For Solar Cell - 158 210 4000 PCS/H
Profile: High speed cutting solar cells, max speed could be 4000 PCS Per hour.
Auto Soldering Bussing Machine
Profile: Automatic Soldering Bussing Machine performs automatically the soldering of the interconnections. We provide professional Auto Soldering Bussing Machine.
Solar Cell Laser Scribing Machine – Solar Panel Making Machine
Profile: scribing or cutting the Solar Cells and Silicon Wafers in the solar PV industry, including the mono-si (monocrystalline silicon) and poly-si (polycrystalline silicon)solar cells and the silicon wafer.
Solar Cell Tester Solar Cell Sun Simulator - Solar Panel Making Machine
Profile: Solar cell tester is used to test the electrical performance of Mono-Si or Poly-Si solar cell pieces and record the results in files.
Full automatic solar panel laminator solar cell laminator
Profile: Laminate the raw material(Back sheet-EVA-solar cells-EVA-Glass) into the solar panel, it works automatic online.
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